We specialize in helping you achieve the dog behaviours you want in a large or giant breed. Big dogs can mean bigger problems. When behavioural issues are magnified by the weight and strength of your animal, you need someone who understands how to train and handle big dogs. We appreciate more is expected of large and giant breeds, and we are thrilled to coach clients through how they can achieve results.
We can help you with canine behaviours which are causing stress in your household. Issues such as reactivity, aggression, guarding behaviours, chasing, pulling you across the road, barking and destroying household items all become much more impactful with a larger breed.
Some training programs are based on the idea that everything applies equally to all breeds. And to an extent, it is true, learning theory is the same. However, there are key differences in the handling and management strategies of giant and large breeds. Loose leash walking becomes a necessity to prevent injury to the owner. Food-stealing or begging behaviours operate much closer to the height of kitchen counters and tables. Bad manners, lurching and aggressive behaviours, which are often overlooked in smaller breeds, cannot be ignored. Establishing acceptable and desired behaviour, and achieving these wanted behaviours through training, is much more important. You do not want control of a situation to be dependent on your physical strength, or reliant on whether your dog is wearing various equipment. You need your dog to be motivated and happy, to behave appropriately, and work with you. If unwanted behaviours do emerge with a larger dog, behaviour modification is no longer a luxury, but a responsibility.
As long time owners and trainers of large and giant breeds with over 40 combined years of experience, we have specific advice to give.
Everything behaviour-wise is higher stakes. Contact us today.
Laura's cross breed rescue dog is titled by the Australian National Kennel Council (Dogs Australia) she is also the first Bull Arab worldwide to qualify for an advanced trick title through DMWYD. Jane's Great Dane has achieved the AKC recognised title TKP as a 'Trick Dog Champion' internationally. Jane's interest is reward-based training without physical manipulation.
Laura is a Certified Behaviour Consultant and Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA). Jane is a Certified Professional Trainer (CPDT-KA). Jane and Laura are both former instructors at Sydney All Breeds Dog Training Club (SABDTC). Laura is a past Chief Instructor of SABDTC. Both are supporting members of the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants (IAABC). Laura and Jane attend professional workshops and events and keep up to date with developments across behavioural modification strategies and training techniques.
We take great pride in the progress and success of our clients, and look forward to helping you. Get in touch to learn more.
Congratulations to Lux on her recent Trick Dog Grand Champion Title - The first ever and only Great Dane in Australia to achieve this level of performance
A dog you can take anywhere
Would you like your big dog behaving appropriately both at home and out and about?
You and you dog can learn at any age.
Our specialization in giant breeds will help guide you and your dog to the right approach. Get in touch today and discover the tools and techniques.
What to expect and how to train
As owners of big dogs life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict every situation, we can take control of how we and our dogs respond to certain situations. Learn how to reinforce the behaviours you want to see more of.
With our sessions, you and your dog will learn about how to deal with whatever life may throw at you.
Home consultation
A popular service, personally tailored advice at your convenience in your own home.
Our job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a well behaved large breed dog who is a pleasure to be with.
After several sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise. Contact us now to schedule a session.